Date Published: October 31, 2024
🇺🇸Freedom! But know where your sandbox is.
😎Like me, playing tennis at 11a on a Thursday. But with a plan to deliver to a client in by EOD.
🧐What are the guardrails around your content and where can you play?
🤝Whether you’re a business owner, part of a big company or somewhere in between, we all have standards & best practices that we follow
💡Knowing the rules allows us to be more creative because we have a framework to build on and we can spend time refining the areas that we have control over.
✅Know Your Brand Guidelines
🎯Words you use & don’t use
🎯How you use your logo
🎯Brands you align with
🎯The needs & interests of your community
🎯Your community’s favorite things that you do = why they follow & engage
🎯How to scaffold (build on)the conversation you’ve been having with your community
🎯What you are actually excited to talk about - it comes through
❌There may be content that seems cool or interesting but it has nothing to do with why your crowd comes to your space.
🔑What made you want to do it?How does it fit into the ongoing conversation you’re having with your audience?
🔑Is there a way to deliver that spark of inspiration in a format that is true to your MVP (mission, values & purpose)?
❌Not sure? Take it out. It’s noise distracting from your core message.
🔑Keep it tight. Cut out the random & boring bits.
🔑Always align your message with your purpose and branding!
🎃Happy Halloween! Stay safe!
#newyork #rules #content #contentcreator #businesstips #marketing #marketingdigital #standard #westchester #tennis #halloween #staysafe
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