Date Published: October 29, 2024
🌞🥐Good morning!
☕️Let’s start today with a content creation hack.
✅When you create content the first question to ask is: Who is the audience?
🙄We know that, Flora.
👉🏽But there’s more..
Of that audience who is most likely to engage?
✨I’ll give you a hint - it’s not the message (ok maybe a little), it’s not your brand, it’s You.
👀They clicked follow for a reason! So don’t just give the good stuff to your close friends (I am talking to myself here too).
💎Remember to reward your community by letting them into your world. It’s their shared participation in your journey rather than just receiving your latest news or sales pitch, that is going to build emotional connection & get them invested in You and as members of the community you’re building around your brand.
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